Susie and Jen
Laura and Brooke
Me, Laura and Brooke
Also, here are some pictures of my newest crafting obsession: Canvas art! I buy blank canvas's and paint them all cute and then add a bible verse and a ribbon. I have them all over my house now. This one is in my guest bathroom. It's pink with black polka dots and says, "but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord" in silver writing. I love the little black poka dot bow on it too
This one looks a little jumbled in the picture but is actually one of the cutest ones I've made. I have fancy towels with this same brocade print and I free-handed it onto the canvas to match. Then in red (which you totally cannot read in this picture) it says, "The king is enthralled by your beauty, honor him for he is your Lord." I have this one in my master bathroom to remind me that God thinks I am beautiful on my not so good days =)