I'm movin' on........
So bowling night has officially moved back to it’s original night, Thursday. And I think I forgot to announce the big news. Last Thursday Kurt bowled a 298……..oh no, folks that was no typo, he really did bowl a 298! He got all strikes up till the 10th frame, he bowled once……STRIKE, bowled again, STRIKE (by this time the whole bowling alley is crowded around our table) and then on his very last bowl, he knocked down 8 pins! Oh so close. He was shakin’ like a leaf. Oh well, the dream will live on until the next bowling night. This Thursday however, Toby and Kurt had to work a Hockey game so Matt, Kristen, Justin and I went to Socio’s to have dinner and then back home to relax. I’ve been on call this week and it royally stinks. Phone ringing in the middle of the night, rude law enforcement yelling at me for someone else’s software not working, while I try my darndest to walk a nin-kum-put through computer lingo, not to mention that for the entire week I’m on lock down because if I dare to leave the house I’ll get an urgent call, which would be totally ok if the AirCard to the laptop WORKED! Oh but it doesn’t, which means that I have to run home and fix whatever problems arise. Justin is getting really tired of it. He wants me to quit, TODAY! But I’d really like to have another job lined up before I did that. I just feel bad to even think about quitting because we are so short staffed as it is. I wouldn't want to put Chrissy and Stan in that situation where it creates more work for them. It's not their fault, they have to go through this mess too. It’s very stressful to work 8-5 (plus the hour drive to and from work in horrific traffic) and then be on-call all night until you arrive at work once again at 8………………..for a WHOLE week. Sleep is most of the time not an option. It really isn’t worth it. I have things that I am committed to, things that are MUCH more important that work to me. I have to teach classes at church Sunday’s and Wednesdays, we have social get togethers with our friends on a regular basis, last night we went to the Rascal Flatts concert (I’ll write more about that later) and if it hadn’t been for Stan taking over the calls for me for a couple hours, I would have been sitting at home while everyone else was having fun! I’m not okay with planning my life around work. So, anyway, that is my soap box. I really would love to work from home, or even something part time. Justin got his company car, gas card and is going full commission in a few months……..all the signs are pointing to somewhere else for me.
I really don’t remember what we did Friday, but Saturday Justin and I ran some errands and looked for him a new truck at McKenzie that morning. Then He was off to help Kurt with some house stuff and Toby and I hit the town, shopping of course. We got lots of fun stuff and I am on a mission to make Toby become more of an impulse shopper (she’s too responsible) Hopefully my bad influence will rub off on her! Haha. Just Kiddin Tob! Afterwards we were all gonna take a trip to Folley and eat at Lambert’s but we were all SOOO tired that we just hung out at our house for a while and just basically sat there. Well, Kurt and Justin wrestled and Toby and I just laughed. Justin would be heartbroken if I didn’t mention that he tapped Kurt out with one of his little UFC moves………I’m so proud. Heh! Sunday was as usual, we had a good lesson and the service was great, well, from what I saw/heard of it. Like I said, I am on-call so I had to keep leaving the sanctuary to take calls……….ahhhhhhhhhhhh! We went to eat at Sonny’s and Kristen said she is gonna get me a job with Covenant hospice……….doing some kind of computer work, we’ll see??
Well, on a more peppy note, the Rascal Flatts concert was awesome. Charlie and Rachel got us tickets…thanks so much!!!
Blake Shelton opened and that was Justin’s favorite………he is more of a COUNTRY country singer! Haha, if you know what I mean. When Rascal Flatts came on, their mikes were turned up WAY too loud, we couldn’t understand anything they were saying. But I think the sound team corrected that quickly because it got progressively better as the show went on. Everyone likes Joe the cute guitarist, and the lead singer of course but it was Jay the other guitarist (I guess bass or something) that impressed me. He was HILARIOUS! And he is oh so talented. He played like ten instruments and can sing really well. So that is my synopsis on the night. I forgot my camera so I had to take pictures with my camera phone. As you can see, it was hard to take picutres because the lights on the stage were soooo bright, and there is only so much a camera phone can do!
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