
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

10 weeks, 127.5 lbs ---> we have gainage!

Oh, I am starting to get REALLY excited. After TWO great doctor visits and absolute perfection coming from that belly of mine…I am just so hopeful. It’s scary to be hopeful about something you have no control over…but, it’s freeing at the same time. Justin and I are trying to condition ourselves for raising a child, you know like…taking the words “crap” and “shut up” out of our vocabularies, monitoring the reality shows we watch on TV (those won’t be acceptable), learning all the cartoon channels (we need to invest in more of those, or find them?). Justin is also a little obsessed with trying to decide how our baby will look. Judging by our last ultrasound, he thinks he/she looks a lot like him…he’s crazy.

Cravings so far: Zaxby’s sauce! White cheddar cheese popcorn. Sour Gummies (especially the kind with juice in them, weird). It’s funny how with my second pregnancy I wanted nothing but bean burritos, always. With this one, the cravings change every day…so strange, what appeals to me one day, sickens me the next. It’s hard to grocery shop for that. I cannot describe the starvation that I feel every hour. It's almost the painful type. I keep thinking, "My baby is trying to tell me that it needs FOOD, so I better eat...all the time!" Food has for the first time, become a focal point in my life, I look forward to it, and worry about what my next meal will be. It's stressful.
Symptoms so far: Nausea is my middle name. As a matter of fact, I’ve added yet another prescription to my repertoire because of it, Praise the Lord. I am looking to buy one of those pill boxes with the days of the week on it to keep track of things, I’m getting more forgetful. The pharmacist said I’m getting the highest dose of nausea medicine and yet, it still wasn’t working…I was about to cry when I realized, there was no relief for me. But the Lord must have heard my inner cry because today…I feel much better. It’s not completely gone but…I can so handle it at this level! Heartburn/Indigestion is from Satan, but luckily Tums come in tasty flavors and provide me with one serving of my calcium for the day.

Things I’ve learned so far:
-I can SAY I’m feeling sick a million times but, it doesn’t quite hit my husband until I’m throwing up in the shower, or the sink, or…basically anywhere but the toilet (I can’t ever make it). And then, I can almost feel his little heart breaking. (he’s so sensitive)
-God is providing for our family; forget that…God is BLESSING our family and our future. I’ll write more about this to come but, I just feel unworthy of it all, truly. I don’t know why I am surprised every time he does it…I just don’t know why he would. (Just pray for my husband today)
-As embarrassed as I am at the condition of our home at the moment…I realize that an afternoon nap will win over laundry every time. Justin and I have decided to resort to a maid service for a couple go-rounds until I'm out of school and able to have two minutes to do things!
-I’m so thankful to have something to complain about…I really am.

We go see the high risk doc tomorrow, and by George, we are going to get a video of that kid moving! It’s just so cute!


Kristen said...

I'm thinking of you and Justin today and "your future." Which seems pretty good as I hear. Today was the day my son would have been born. He would have been 3 today. Just know that for right now you have a wonderful thriving baby growing inside you and that is what you should plan for in the future. Forget about the unknown and just focus on the fact that you ARE PREGNANT, and you ARE HAVING A BABY. I know, easier said than done, though that's my advice. I have some serious health issues going on right now and alot of unanswered questions, so I'm just asking for prayer in return because I need all I can get! So, I'm excited for you and ready to meet your munchkin!

Mrs. J Manny said...

oh dear, i remember the nausea. i remember thinking, "when will i ever just feel normal again? go an entire day and not notice that i feel like im on the verge of barfing. feel like myself." and one day it happened. it didnt let up for me until week 19 i think, i was sick longer than the average woman they told me. o joy. anyway, i am hoping you get a video. i want to see some dancing! you get that car yet?

Anonymous said...

So happy for you guys!! :) I know I have said that a bunch of times...but I am really, really happy!!

And...I am sending you a picture right now!! I almost forgot :)!

Heather said...

The nausea never went away for me...butttt, I do take 1/2 B6 Vitamin and 1/2 Unisom every night before bed and it makes all the nausea go away. I have tried to stop taking it to see if I'm past the point of sickness and a couple days after I stop taking it, I'm throwing up again. My doc's the one who mentioned that it might help and man has it! It sounds like everything is going great with your little one and although it stinks being so sick, it means your little baby is healthy as a horse! =)

Heather said...

Oh yes, the unisom and B6 were a blessing! It might take a little while to fully get in your system, but I honestly don't feel sick at all during the day. I feel normal! And then I get to thinking that maybe I don't need it anymore and so I stop taking it and my nausea comes back. My mom was sick all 9 months with both Jesse and I, so unfortuantely I suppose I take after her. But you may only need it for a little while. Because I do hear that nausea is suppose to get better in the 2nd just didn't for me. =( Oh well, but yes ask you doctor! Good luck!

Kristi Van Der Merwe said...

Christi-I loved this post! I'm so excited about the ways that the Lord is blessing you..and I am praying for you and also for your cute hubby! I'm also praying you wont have any more barfing in the shower..or the sink! yuck! I'm so sorry about that! I love you so much.