4 weeks, 126lbs (starting weight...I may regret posting this later)
We already knew that we were pregnant a little before 4 weeks. We scheduled our first doctor’s appointment with the high risk doctor (Dr. Maher) on Jan. 14th, we were then 4 weeks and 1 day. They did an ultrasound but we were too early in the pregnancy to see anything. So the doc started running some bloodwork instead. My hcg level came back as 469 (pretty high for 4 weeks). And my progesterone was 42.1 (also, a high one). I had been prescribed Progesterone and been taking it since after ovulation. Both of these were Great news!
5 weeks, 125lbs
Doctor called and let us know that he has diagnosed me with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). My bloodwork showed this clearly and I was put on Metformin to regulate my hormones.
Symptoms so far: gas, indigestion (so bad, never had this before and didn’t even know what it was when it hit), sore boobs
6 weeks, 124lbs
Before we even hit 6 weeks we got our second hcg level back and it was 17,000. We were so encouraged as this is a great increase, more than we expected. Dr. Maher even joked that by the looks of those numbers it could be TWINS!
Symptoms so far: indigestion, sore boobs
Cravings so far include: bagels (only with strawberry cream cheese), and mozzarella cheese sticks
7 weeks, 126lbs
We went in for our second doctor’s visit. My mom and dad drove down from Bama to join us. They performed another ultrasound and sure enough…we saw a beautiful 7 week old baby with a strong heartbeat (147 bpm). Oh and one thing I didn't mention before was that we could see the tiny little umbilical stalk (the primitive version of the umbilical cord!)It was so clear and cool. You can't see it in this picure but...everything was just perfect. Words cannot express our pure JOY and the hope that was all renewed in that moment.
Symptoms so far: EXTREME hunger (it’s so bad, never felt this before), dizziness, fatigue, insomnia (how can you have both?), luckily not too much nausea (no vomiting yet), boobs aren’t quite as sore, and indigestion has died down
Cravings now include: Yoohoo and yogurt, don’t know if it’s really a craving but I HAVE to eat an apple everyday!
8 weeks, 126.5 lbs
My stomach looks gross...I know the baby is way too little to "show" but I can't suck in my fat anymore :( The doctor says that it's because my body has been pregnant 4 times and automatically "knows" what to do (weaken the stomach muscles). Well, I guess I should just be happy that I have an excuse to tell people when they look at me funny. I'm greasing up my belly with cocoa butter, the kind in the little jar, it keeps me nice and lubed up all day long. I officially took out my belly button ring this week. I hope it doesn't scar badly and make my belly look worse.
Symptoms so far: feeling REALLY gross, nausea is hitting a little more often but I'm holding back the vomit (barely), dizziness is even worse. Insomnia is a little bit better, I think, but fatigue is WAY worse. I just want to sleep, and nothing else. SOOO hungry, it's so inconvenient, I have to eat constantly, no over exaggeration there!
Cravings now include: no food sounds very good right now, fruit is a safe bet these days, don't make me gag like most everything else.
Congrats again, Christi! I am so excited for you. So, not only am I PCOS, but I saw Dr Maher too. I liked that he was very blunt with his answers. Just so you know, the bowel discomfort with the Met is worse with increased intake of simple sugars. PCOS pretty much sucks, but it sounds like you have a mild form of it. Many women have been able to get pregnant just by getting on it and you are able to get pregnant without it! That is good! Now that you know what has been causing your losses, it will be so much easier to handle in the future...you know...for your 2nd and 3rd kids. hehe!
milk the cravings christi!!
and... eat a lot of chick fila for aunt audrey.
then that baby will crave chickfila when their old enough... and i'll take em everyday!!!!
I love all these details about how things are going so far! However, the "gross" comment is way off base. I would love for my stomach to look like that now unpregnant (I don't think "unpregnant" is a word, but you know what I mean!) I love you so much Christi and have been thinking/praying for you a ton lately!
ps-i called you last night..but that was the baby Kaleb who left a voicemail on your phone..sorry for the "magic" comments...
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