
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

9 weeks, 126lbs

This week has been quite eventful…in the not so good way…
Now, I’ve wanted a baby for what seems like forever and have lived with constant heartache over the situation for a long time now. So, if I ever heard a pregnant woman complaining about her nausea or aches and pains, or a young mother that was at her wits end I was almost offended. If they only knew…if they only knew how much I wanted those aches and pains, and how much I wanted to be chasing a little brat around ToysRUs…how dare they “complain”. I’d give anything for what they have…
So, that helps me when I feel really horrible, to be thankful instead, to know that it will all be worth it so soon. But, I’d also like to say one loud, big, whiny time….PREGNANCY SUCKS! It’s worth it, but the process is not fun so far (maybe second trimester?)

So, there are a few things that triggered these feelings. My events from this weekend (read below). The fact that this baby is only 9 weeks old and he/she has already sent me to the ER, got me on 4 different prescriptions, I can no longer brush my tongue in the morning so I have constant bad breathe all day (it seems to me), I break out into spontaneous gags as I walk past students in the hall (this is way embarrassing), and my poor husband…he is such a trooper. I feel so disgusting that I won’t let the boy lay a finger on me, yet he still runs and gets me things that I need, makes sure I’m comfortable when I’m not feeling well (which is ALWAYS), and holds my hair when I puke :)

But, I refuse to be a negative nancy right!? So, I am upbeat, and excited about Friday’s appointment…we are supposed to see shim wiggling around and dancing in there…he/she is still less that 2 inches long! How cute! Isn’t it amazing how something so small can already be so active and look like a little sweet baby already! According to my "calculations" and charts, I personally think that on Friday our baby should be 9 weeks and 3 days, but...I realize that my calculations aren't perfect (pretty close I tell ya) and our last ultrasound said we were 2 days behind what I thought...but, they say ultrasounds can be up to 4 days off at this, it'll be fun to see what the ultrasound says on Friday. Plus I read in my pregnancy book that sometime last week he/she got his/her nipples. In case you were worried about when that happens…very important I suppose:)


Miranda said...

What a nice surprise to see a comment from you!!! I am soooo excited to see your wonderful news!!!! YAY!!!! I thoroughly enjoy the belly pictures and updates. Believe me, the gagging and brushing the tongue thing is something I too had to stomach (literally). I never got morning sickness but the gagging was ridiculous. Let me know if you need anything!!!! I can't wait to keep reading your updates :o)

Kristi Van Der Merwe said...

I'm praying about your appointment today, and cant wait to hear the update! I love you Christi.

Susana M Kepner said...

It should get better in the 2nd trimester... Also, you can use pregnancy as an excuse to complain, feel, sick, moody, etc hahaha
I also want to say that you are brave posting your weight!! We'll see if that changes later :-)